Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's October. How are you prepping for NaNo?

This year has gone by incredibly quickly and somewhat successfully for me. I have had poems published, I had a short story published (and I got paid for it!), I have been writing articles for an online news website and a friend and I started our own website. And as the year is beginning to end, it is only getting busier for me.

Next month I will participate in NaNoWriMo for the 5th time. I have previously won each time and also finished editing two of the four novels I wrote during the month so I am looking forward to working on another novel this year.

I know November is still a month away, but in-between my other writing projects, I try to do a little preparation for NaNo so I can start writing on November 1st and not battle writer's block.

So for this post I thought I'd share some of the resources I use to prepare for NaNo in case any readers are interested in participating in NaNo or are looking for inspiration:

1. A NaNo Handbook
One place to start would be with the novel written by the founder of NaNoWriMo's. No Plot? No Problem! was written to help writers embarking on the NaNo journey. You can buy it on Amazon or check your local library.

2. Looking to Adopt
Once you have decided to participate in NaNo, there are plenty of helpful forums on the website including an Adoption Society forum where other writers leave ideas that need homes. You can take one from there and if you're kind enough, leave one of your ideas that you've had but haven't gotten around to writing.

3. Catch up on Current Events
Reading newspapers or watching the news could help spark an idea.

4. Play "What if...?"

5. Talk to your friends.
Sometimes even random conversations can lead to an idea that could lead to a novel.

6. Visit writing webites
Websites like Writer's Digest offer prompts (among other resources) and other websites are dedicated to only offering prompts like this one.

So now that you may (or may not) have an idea, what else can you do during October?

Last year I found this website that offers a whole month's worth of preparation for NaNo. It specifies things you can do each day until NaNo begins.

Until next time, happy writing!

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